Case Studies

Hello 911? It’s an emergency. I am being tested!

Hello 911? It’s an emergency.
I am being tested!

As the bell rings, the teacher starts distributing the question papers. There is pin drop silence in the room. And any hint of a conversation is immediately quashed. As time ticks away, slowly, but surely, some students try cheating. Silently asking their friends or neighbors for help. Small chits filled with answers are skillfully passed hidden from the prying eyes of the invigilator. 

This is a standard exam room that, I’m sure, many of you recall from your past. A room full of students trying desperately to write answers to questions that they’ll eventually forget. 

Now, let me ask you this: Do you remember what was given in the question paper? Do you remember the answers? No, right?  

Honestly, if you are anything like me, you probably forgot most of the information before the day was over, which is understandable.  

On an average, people give at least a hundred paper-pen exams in their lifetime. But, at the same time, they are quite boring. Tedious even. And most of them, only test your ability to memorize answers and spew them onto the answer sheet.  

These paper pen exams and assessments are an exercise of retaining and recollecting information. That’s it. So, in today’s day and age, with all this knowledge and technology at our fingertips, this becomes redundant.  

At Unbox, we understand this.  

So, when a global financial services firm hired us to train their incident management team, we knew that we needed to shake things up a bit by bringing in an innovative methodology to assess and test their current capabilities.  

The team’s key struggle was managing multiple crisis situations effectively by making the necessary decisions to solve them.  

But… What exactly prevented them?  

We didn’t know. 

So, that’s what we set out to do. 

We needed to create a pre-assessment, or we can call it a “pre-test” that would help us identify specific challenges that this team faced while managing a crisis. However, in this situation, a paper-pen test would be ineffective. It could only tell us what they knew, theoretically. But what they knew practically would remain a mystery.  

Instead, we wanted to create something that simulated the urgency and chaos of a crisis. We wanted to see what happened when a crisis hit.  

So, that is exactly what we did.  

We created an assessment where participants had to emulate 911 first responders. As 911 dispatchers, we could see them apply all the soft skills necessary to manage a crisis. Yet, it was different enough from their profession so that they do not come overly prepared with standardized answers for it. Instead, they had to be quick on their feet while interacting with a person in distress who required their immediate assistance.  

Within a span of 8 minutes, they were expected to obtain relevant information and deploy emergency services. Their responses told us everything we needed to know about their individual strengths and areas of improvement.  

This simulation was no doubt difficult and time intensive. In our office, it was all-hands-on-deck. Multiple people from our office were simultaneously running these simulations, pretending to be that person in distress, for 3 days straight!  

Needless to say, we heard about A LOT of accidents during that time. But… we hit the target on its head. 

In the end, with all this information, we were able to evaluate each learner’s needs individually which then translated into specific learning goals for every team member going forward.  

We formulated a 12-month-long journey along with comprehensive coaching sessions that showed exponential growth among the learners based on the collected information.  

At Unbox, this is what we strive to achieve. We want each one of our learners to experience personal growth. And we’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it. 


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Case Studies

The Unbox approach: Prioritizing YOU to curate effective solutions

The Unbox approach: Prioritizing YOU to curate effective solutions

We are not the experts, you are !

Every organization is different. That is why, at Unbox, we believe that no one knows your organization, and its challenges, better than you. Therefore, in our consulting engagements, we do not believe in giving ready-made solutions to our partners. Instead, we aim to understand and bring out their organizational challenges to the forefront, and then provide support with solving them.

The first step towards solving any challenge is understanding its true nature.

You need to treat the root cause, and not its symptoms.

However, this process is not as straightforward as it seems. Many of our partners take steps to understand their organizational and learning development challenges, but still, they find it challenging to find effective solutions.

A few years ago, we were approached by an omnichannel furniture and décor retailer who were looking to personalize and improve their customer experience. When we interviewed the leadership, we were told that their field design consultant team is in need of communication skills training. This was a good starting point and a hypothesis for us to work with. 

To understand the challenges faced by the field design team, first, we reached out to its members , and individually spoke to them about their experience. We used these interviews as an opportunity to validate or invalidate the leadership’s assessment of the challenge. 

We conducted ethnographic interviews which is one of our most useful tools. It helps us in having open-ended conversations with the teams to gain insights and understand their challenges. 

During these interviews, we learnt that most of the team was able to communicate quite fluently with their clients.  However, they also agreed with the leadership’s assessment–they were unable to build a good rapport with their clients. 

So… What was the problem?

Then, we started looking for the “unsaid needs” of our customers (in this case, the field design consultants). So, we decided to observe their day-to-day activities and interactions with the customers in real time. To achieve this, a few team members from our Experience Design team shadowed the field design consultants on their customer visits as “interns”. We also immersed ourselves in the customer’s experience by anonymously hiring our partner organization’s services for a home décor consultation. 

This was a game changer for us! 

While work-shadowing, we realized that some field agents were underprepared for the meeting. One even showed up to the customer’s house with a completely discharged i-Pad, and asked them to provide him with a charger. Others were unable to find the location on time, and often showed up late to the customer meetings. 

This challenge now started to make more sense to us, and we communicated it to the leadership. Based on our insights, we suggested a communications training program that was split into 3 sections – before the meeting, during the meeting, and after the meeting. This captured the thought that perfecting the conversation with the customer is not enough. Instead, what you do before and after the conversation is equally important. 

By the end of this 9-month long engagement, the leaders began to see real growth and change within the organization. Even the business impact was evident and return on investment on this program was over 20x. 

At Unbox, you, our end-user, are at the center of what we do. The problems, and to an extent the solutions, are all you. After all, no one else knows what’s best for your organization. Our goal is to deepen your understanding of the problem and design learning programs that can solve them.  


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Case Studies

How Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni made 16% more students wash their hands more often!

How Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni made 16% more students wash their hands more often!

At Unbox, we have been following principles of gamification in solving business challenges and creating memorable learning experiences. A first of its kind, we were requested to drive a practical credit course on ‘Gamification in Business’ for the management students of one of the best universities in India. The course had 7 modules spanning across two months and learners had to implement their learnings on a hands-on project as a part of their final assignment. All the projects were brilliantly planned, designed and executed.
Here are the details of one such project!

The Challenge Statement 

The learners found out that students in their university don’t wash their hands often after using the restroom. Uncomfortable, yet true. Their aim was to nudge people to wash their hands more frequently, especially, after using the restroom.

The Gamified Solution 

Celebrities to the rescue!
Two famous celebrities were chosen for a friendly duel. People were asked to vote for their favourite celebrity among the two by washing their hands. The more the liquid soap used from one celebrity’s soap dispenser the more the votes in their bank. The winner was announced at the end of the day, and everyone wanted their favourite celebrity to be the winner of the duel.

The Gamification Process 

Of the plethora of the principles and frameworks in gamification, we at Unbox have framed 11 principles of gamification that we leverage on in our consulting process. The learners used three of these 11 principles in their solution.

1. Unpack The Rewards

Reward and recognise users that perform well as per your gamified system to encourage them to involve themselves more: The age-old and time-tested motivator to get people to participate in something. Everyone loves a good incentive to do something. Rewards can help increase participation.

2. Unfold Personalisation

Personalize aspects of the user’s experience to instill a deep connect and in turn drive creativity while interacting with the system: We are more likely to engage in something that we can relate to and is catered to us rather than something generic. Giving the users something that they will hold close to their heart gives them something to feel invested in. The success of this idea can be mainly attributed to the selection of the celebrities. They picked celebrities from two popular fields that people are extremely passionate about. They have clear favourites; they believe that their favourite is superior to the others. One being cricket, which is the most popular sport in India and everyone, well, almost everyone, loves it! Fans have a constant battle between who is better – Virat Kohli or MS Dhoni? The other being music and famous bands – another fan favourite. Especially, among the young crowd in the universities, One Direction and BTS are a huge sensation with each fan believing their band is better than the other.

3. Unwind, Make it Fun and Competitive 

Fun and competition – two of the best motivators out there. Combine the two, and you’ve hit the jackpot. People are more likely to engage with something if it seems fun for obvious reasons. The competition between the fans is a huge deal. They always want their favourite to win, and we’ve seen many social media battles on the same. They will never give up a chance to show their support and that was shown by the participants which led to the success of the idea.

The Impact 

The number of people washing their hands increased by 16.5% on implementation of this idea. Who would have thought that something as monotonous as washing hands could be made fun by adding the element of competition? Gamification surely did. This solution serves two purposes – more hands are being washed and people had fun doing it!


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Webinar 2

Toastmaster’s International Virtual Convention 2020 Saveen Hegde: Design Thinking – A Way of Life

Toastmaster’s International Virtual Convention 2020 Saveen Hegde: Design Thinking – A Way of Life

Toastmasters International is having its first-ever virtual convention from the 24th to the 29th of August, and it is absolutely free! Speakers and experts from across the world are coming together during these 5 days and talking about what they know best. 56,000 people from across the world have registered to watch this event – 6 speakers from the United States, 1 from Canada, 1 from the United Kingdom, 1 from Pakistan and 1 from India, Unbox’s very own Saveen Hegde!

Saveen is speaking on Design Thinking and how it is a way of life, with the ability to implement it in every aspect of our lives.

Please find the link below to Saveen Hegde’s Educational Session powered by Toastmaster’s International Click Here –

Get a Chance to have a conversation with Saveen Hedge Click Here –


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Webinar 2

“Think from your heart or feel from your mind?” with Vibhuti Sharma

“Think from your heart or feel from your mind?” with Vibhuti Sharma

This situation has impacted all of us, no doubt. How we can change our mindset to adapt to this ambiguous situation? Unbox’s quest for answers had us knocking on the doors of three distinguished panelists. In the second webinar of the ‘Unquarantine Your Mind’ series, titled ‘Unquarantine Your Mind – Mindset Shift’ held on 28 May 2020, the focus was on –
  • Positive Psychology for better mind management
  • Leveraging self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence
  • Effective crisis management with a future-focused approach
In a three-blog series, we elucidate the insights given by each one of the panelists. Our first panelist is Ms. Vibhuti Sharma. She is an Executive Coach for Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Presence. She is also a seasoned Leadership Facilitator – BFSI expert and NLP practitioner with over 20 years of experience in Business Operations and L&D
  1. What do you see most of us doing today?
The concerns of a slow down are hitting all of us and it is an opportunity for us to metaphorically pause, slow down and focus on what really matters – the people around; they are the most important. Despite the diversity, people have collectively stood up to this pandemic as one. The one thing that stands out while people are trying to adapt to the new normal is the united human spirit and all the acts of kindness and compassion that we see around us.
  1. What is the one essential skill to navigate this?
The one skill that needs to be demonstrated is mental toughness and as the saying goes, “Tough times don’t really last but tough people do.” The centerpiece of mental toughness is the ability to see opportunity and at the same time, act upon it. Mentally tough people are emotionally intelligent, resilient to change, relentlessly positive, and most importantly, they are action-oriented.
  1. How does the role of a leader change now from what it used to be?
Leaders need to become more people-centric and show that they really care about their team. Initially and logically, a leader’s role was that of a problem solver. However, there is a tilt towards Affiliated Coaching Leadership Style. Leaders are spending more time coaching and speaking with their team. They need to become more empathetic. They need to be good listeners and enablers who initiate conversations that are far deeper than just transactions. So just be there and navigate through this process of change in a positive direction.     4. How can leaders be more ‘human-centric’ in their everyday transactions? Empathy is the cornerstone to lead in tough times. You can move teams forward only if you have empathy and compassion. The kinds of empathy that a leader could use are:
  1. Cognitive empathy – pertains to the understanding and perspective aspect of empathy. It is about understanding what is going on and having conversations where you try to know what people are going through.
  2. Emotional empathy – is about the We understand what is happening, but can we really step into the other person’s shoes and relate to how they are feeling? You get into the journey with the person to embrace the feeling of what really is happening.
  3. Compassionate empathy – is more about ‘taking action’. Tough times are about taking action. One of the most essential things a leader can do is step up, hold the hands of the team members, and move them forward.
     5. What should we do now? Any situation, adversity in life can become better if you’re ready to relook at it from a cleaner lens. Something that the pandemic has taught us is to self-reflect and be self-aware – look at what you want to stop doing and what you want to continue doing in the coming days to stay relevant. If you’re relevant, you’re in the business, in the game!


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Webinar 2

How to have GRACEful conversations during a crisis?” with Harsh Johari

How to have GRACEful conversations during a crisis?” with Harsh Johari

This situation has impacted all of us, no doubt. How we can change our mindset to adapt to this ambiguous situation? Unbox’s quest for answers had us knocking on the doors of three distinguished panelists. In the second webinar of the ‘Unquarantine Your Mind’ series, titled ‘Unquarantine Your Mind – Mindset Shift’ held on 28 May 2020, the focus was on –

  • Positive Psychology for better mind management
  • Leveraging self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence
  • Effective crisis management with a future-focused approach

In a three-blog series, we elucidate the insights given by each one of the panelists.

Our second panelist is Mr Harsh Johari. He is an Executive and Leadership Coach with over 25 years of diverse professional experience across the shipping and financial services. He is also the Ex Senior VP of Goldman Sachs and an Ex-Captain of the Merchant Navy.

  1. What do you think is happening now and what do you see most of us doing?

We are dealing with a situation for which there is no reference point. Be it in our personal life or in the professional world, we have always had some sort of playbook to refer to. And as they say, “well planned is half the work done”. In this case, however, there was never a plan. The biggest struggle that people are facing is to work without a reference point.

  1. What is the one essential skill to navigate this?

Adaptability is the most essential skill. Be it at a personal level or at a professional level, you as an individual, a member of a team or organization need to find ways to adapt yourself to deal with this crisis effectively.

  1. What are your views about leadership styles that are important today?

  • Be vulnerable – it is a great time for leaders to show their human side. This builds more trust and intimacy in people. When you as a leader expose your vulnerable face, help can pour in from all quarters. This also encourages the hesitant team members to reach out and ask for help.
  • Engagement with compassion – Each team member is impacted uniquely, and you need to understand their distinct circumstances. Don’t just stop there; try to see what can be done about it.
  • Speed of decision making – sometimes during a crisis, speed is more important than precision. Take accountability and do not delay taking some critical decisions.

4. How do we manage the key face to face interactions that are now conducted virtually?

A key business challenge in this situation is managing performance appraisal and giving feedback virtually. An efficient way to do this is the GRACE framework –

  • Gratitude – take this opportunity to express gratitude to all your team members because they have stood by you and have gone out of their way to help you and each other.
  • Response – not everybody has responded equally to the crisis. Lot of people have risen to the occasion and shown great leadership abilities. As a leader, be aware of how different team members have reacted and responded to the situation.
  • Accountability – look at how people have stood up and taken ownership in terms of making sure that business continuity and level of productivity is maintained.
  • Community – look at how people have gone beyond their team and impacted the community in a positive manner. This could be done as a personal initiative or leading some of the CSR activities of the company.
  • Empathy – irrespective of the outcome of the conversation, be empathetic. The times are tough, so being empathetic and compassionate is necessary.

5. What should we do now?

This is a good time to revisit the visions of the organization and look at whether and how the current crisis has changed the visions. If it has, then sit with your team, revisit it, and redefine what the new vision would look like. This is relevant in the personal context as well. A lot of our personal priorities have changed owing to the current scenario.


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Webinar 1

Mindset shift – Unquarantine your mind 2

Mindset shift – Unquarantine your mind 2

This situation has impacted all of us, no doubt. How can we change our mindset to adapt to this ambiguous situation? Unbox’s quest for answers had us knocking on the doors of three distinguished panelists. In the second webinar of the ‘Unquarantine Your Mind’ series, titled ‘Unquarantine Your Mind – Mindset Shift’ held on 28 May 2020, the focus was on –

  • Positive Psychology for better mind management
  • Leveraging self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence
  • Effective crisis management with a future-focused approach

In a three-blog series, we elucidate the insights given by each one of the panelists.

Our first panelist is Mr. Vinesh Sukumaran. He is a positive psychologist from the University of Missouri, a Guest faculty at IIM Bangalore, and an organizational development consultant who has trained and coached over 20,000 people.

1. What do you see most of us doing today?

A lot of people would love to predict and listen to predictions about what’s happening, what comes next, is it going to change soon and so on. We’re all trying to get some sort of certainty, but in the current scenario, ‘Uncertainty is the only certainty’. Most of us like to believe that the ‘new normal’ means things are going to go back to how they were earlier. While there is a possibility, there is no certainty.

2. What is the one essential skill to navigate this?

It would be ‘being there’. Be there for yourself, your family, your team members – in testing times like these when you cannot be there physically, be available mentally and online. Do not just be connected, be there.

3. How do we stay stronger longer?

When things are not going well, we tend to think per Aaron Beck’s 3 Ps –

The secret of being mentally stronger lies herein. Change your way of thinking.

  • Think about all the good things – savings, education, experience
  • The problem is not everlasting. It will go away eventually
  • There is a market condition, a pandemic out there; thank God I got fired in a situation like this and not when everything was going well.

Changing your mindset to think in this manner is the best way to battle with turbulent times.

4. How do we build trust with our team members while managing them remotely?

  • Start by being real – we trust people who are real. Do not hide things from your team members. If anything is going wrong, then inform them, keep them in the loop.
  • Different strokes for different folks – each one of us trusts and builds trust differently. For some people, it is about seeing results and for others, it could about background or repetition. Once you understand your team members, you can gain their trust.
  • Tough times are a great chance for leaders to build trust – it is easy to trust when things are going hunky-dory. How someone behaves when things are going haywire is what matters when building trust. These are great times for leaders to step up and say, “Well things are going wrong, let me help you.” This goes a long way in building trust that cannot be artificially created.
  • Consistency is crucial – trust can not be built by doing something once. It can be easily broken and hence, it is essential to deliver each time. At the start of each day, reset your trust clock to zero and work on building trust for that day. Do this every day.

5. What should we do now?

Do not just sit back and do nothing. A lot of people are like this. But it is important to not do nothing. Take some action. Even if your business or organization is struggling, the solution is not to do nothing. When you act, eventually you will get results.


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Webinar 1

Are you an Ostrich, a Bull, or a Fox?

Are you an Ostrich, a Bull, or a Fox?

In light of the current novel and ambiguous situation, we at Unbox have sought to find answers to some of the most asked or thought of questions. In our recently conducted webinar on the 30th April 2020 ‘UnQuarantine your mind’, we spoke to Bala, the Ex-Managing Director of a Big 4 Audit firm who managed a 3000+ strong organisation across management, risk and technology, and is now a Business Advisor and Leadership Coach. In a 3-blog series, we will discuss the three main takeaways from this conversation: the first one being – Nicholas Taleb in his book describes a Black Swan event as – Bala recommends the best way to overcome the challenges of remote working as a manager/leader is to use SOAP.
  • Structured daily check-ins – Just because the team members are working from home does not mean they are available 24/7. Having a structured check-in routine ensures that privacy is not infringed upon and allows for team members to raise queries or concerns, should they have any.
  • Offer emotional support – not everyone is comfortable working remotely. It is paramount to lend a listening ear to their anxieties and concerns and try to reduce their stress. Not only acknowledging their stress but also providing words of positive affirmation go a long way in helping such team members.
  • Access code – rules for engagement. To ensure that the team members do not feel as though you are breathing down their neck or micromanaging them, the rules for engagement need to be set upfront. This makes remote working more efficient.
  • Platform for remote social interaction – Discussions and talks around the water cooler are absent owing to the physical isolation. Some organizations have measures in place for this – talking about anything but work on a Friday afternoon, dressing up goofily and exchanging stories, and other such activities that can emulate the physical interactions.
Wash away your remote working blues using SOAP!

Coming up – Are you an Ostrich, a Bull, or a Fox? – Click Here


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Webinar 1

Working remotely using SOAP

Working remotely using SOAP

In light of the current novel and ambiguous situation, we at Unbox have sought to find answers to some of the most asked or thought of questions. In our recently conducted webinar on the 30th April 2020 ‘UnQuarantine your mind’, we spoke to Bala, the Ex-Managing Director of a Big 4 Audit firm who managed a 3000+ strong organisation across management, risk and technology, and is now a Business Advisor and Leadership Coach. In a 3-blog series, we will discuss the three main takeaways from this conversation: the first one being – Nicholas Taleb in his book describes a Black Swan event as – Bala recommends the best way to overcome the challenges of remote working as a manager/leader is to use SOAP.
  • Structured daily check-ins – Just because the team members are working from home does not mean they are available 24/7. Having a structured check-in routine ensures that privacy is not infringed upon and allows for team members to raise queries or concerns, should they have any.
  • Offer emotional support – not everyone is comfortable working remotely. It is paramount to lend a listening ear to their anxieties and concerns and try to reduce their stress. Not only acknowledging their stress but also providing words of positive affirmation go a long way in helping such team members.
  • Access code – rules for engagement. To ensure that the team members do not feel as though you are breathing down their neck or micromanaging them, the rules for engagement need to be set upfront. This makes remote working more efficient.
  • Platform for remote social interaction – Discussions and talks around the water cooler are absent owing to the physical isolation. Some organizations have measures in place for this – talking about anything but work on a Friday afternoon, dressing up goofily and exchanging stories, and other such activities that can emulate the physical interactions.
Wash away your remote working blues using SOAP!

Coming up – Are you an Ostrich, a Bull, or a Fox? – Click Here

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Webinar 1

COVID-19 – a Black Swan event

COVID-19 – a Black Swan event

In light of the current novel and ambiguous situation, we at Unbox have sought to find answers to some of the most asked or thought of questions. In our recently conducted webinar on the 30th April 2020 ‘UnQuarantine your mind’, we spoke to Bala, the Ex-Managing Director of a Big 4 Audit firm who managed a 3000+ strong organisation across management, risk and technology, and is now a Business Advisor and Leadership Coach. In a 3-blog series, we will discuss the three main takeaways from this conversation: the first one being – Nicholas Taleb in his book describes a Black Swan event as – The COVID-19 situation certainly fits this description – it has impacted the economy of over 190 countries and brought them to the brink of recession, apart from threatening the lives of people. The stock market has also taken a hit; a 30% drop was recorded in less than 20 trading days. Every country is trying to “flatten the curve”. However, we must consider the fact that flattening the medical curve steepens the economic recession curve. The key here is to find a fine balance between ensuring that the number of cases does not increase while trying to get the economy up and running.
Considering the extent and intensity of the impact, along with the ambiguity of the situation, a question that most of us ponder is, “How do we go about this situation? Should we be scared? Careful?” The exact words used by Bala to describe the ideal approach is ‘Cautious Optimism’. Being overly optimistic and thinking that normalcy will be restored soon blinds us from reality. Instead, we need to be cautious and take the necessary steps that will better prepare us to face this situation.


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